Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Installing Lync Database Error

When installing the Lync Server Databases the following error was thrown;
Installed SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility version is 8.05.2312
Connecting to SQL Server on
SqlMajorVersion : 10
SqlMinorVersion : 50
SqlBuildNo : 2500
SQL version is acceptable: 10.50.2500.0
Default database data file path is D:\Data
Default database log file path is E:\Logs
Database doesn't exist.
(Database rgsconfig doesn't exist.)
Creating database rgsconfig
    DbFile : PhysicalName = d:\data\rgsconfig.mdf
    LogFile: PhysicalName = e:\logs\rgsconfig.ldf
Failed to create database rgsconfig
Error (
  name:        Error
  number:      -2147221504
Exit code: ERROR_CREATE_DB (-4)


Friday, 27 April 2012

Mailbox Permissions - Exchange 2007 / 2010

Today a client requested a method to find out who had access to users mailboxes. I came up with a quick script to resolve this:

get-mailbox –resultsize unlimited | Get-MailboxPermission | select identity, user, @{name="Access Rights";expression={$_.get_accessrights()}},isinherited,deny | ?{@('NT AUTHORITY\SELF','DOMAIN\Domain Admins','DOMAIN\Administrator','DOMAIN\Exchange Servers','DOMAIN\Public Folder Management','NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM','NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE','DOMAIN\Delegated Setup','DOMAIN\Organization Management','DOMAIN\Exchange Trusted Subsystem','DOMAIN\Enterprise Admins'
) -notcontains $_.User}

The main component of the script is which users you wish to exclude from the results, I added all the access entries that were added by default by exchange. For me it was the following Accounts:

DOMAIN\Public Folder Management
DOMAIN\Organization Management
DOMAIN\Exchange Trusted Subsystem
DOMAIN\Exchange Servers
DOMAIN\Enterprise Admins
DOMAIN\Domain Admins
DOMAIN\Delegated Setup

You could then pipe the results to a CSV file using the Export-Csv Cmdlet

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Default Profile–Windows Server 2008R2

Today I had an issue at a clients trying to change the default profile on Windows Server 2008 R2.

I had completed all the steps required, but when i tried to copy the profile the option was greyed out
11-04-2012 11-28-24 AM

I found a program called Windows Enabler 1.1 which is available from here: Windows Enabler 1.1

Running this program as an administrator:
18-04-2012 12-16-55 PM

And clicking on the tray icon to enable it
18-04-2012 12-17-45 PM

I was then able to click the Copy To button (you may need to click a greyed out button twice)
11-04-2012 11-29-22 AM

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

MSP to MSI - Office Communicator

Today I needed to help a client update Office Communicator 2007 R2 in preparation for their Lync migration. They had deployed Office Communicator via Group Policy using an MSI, I wanted to create an MSI that encompassed the latest Office Communicator MSP. These are the steps I performed:

I firstly Downloaded the latest communicator client update from: At the time of writing this, the latest update was January 2012:

I created a working directory with both the MSI and MSP.

I then performed an admin install of my MSI using the command:

msiexec /a "PATH TO COMMUNICATOR.MSI" TARGETDIR="create a new folder called Admin within your working directory"

For me the command was:

msiexec /a "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\OCS2007r2\communicator.msi" TARGETDIR="C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\OCS2007r2\admin"

This creates an admin install of communicator to my working directory, you can see the files it created.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What are Lync Response Groups

A customer asked me a question today, in simple terms what is a response group? It’s a queue of agents which you can connect to either by calling a DID, or selecting the response group in your contacts list.

It’s essentially skills based routing.

I’ve configured one a response group for (4Logic Support Desk). This is configured as a hunt group, which means I can present the it with a DID and people will be able to contact a support agent. I have also added myself as an agent in the 4Logic Support Desk.

When I sign into Lync, it informs me that I have been added to the Line Hunt. There are two modes of participation in a Response Group, formal or informal. Formal is where I can choose to be signed into the Response Group and informal is where I have no choice. I have configured 4Logic Support Desk as formal participation.

To sign into this group I click settings > tools > response group settings:

This opens a website which allows me to sign into the response group:

I can now receive calls for the 4Logic Support Desk and call out as the 4Logic Support Desk.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Microsoft Lync and Exchange 2010 OWA integration.

I had to setup OWA integration for Microsoft Lync and came into a few errors. I used this post by Microsoft as a base:

But here is a step by step guide of how I set it up in my enviroment.

Step 1: Deploy Lync components to the exchange CAS server.

OCS Web services

When running Exchange2010 Sp1 on a Windows 2008 R2, include the following UCMAREDIST Update, available here

Step 2: Configure Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers

From exchange management shell run and take note of the Thumbprint: 
Get-ExchangeCertificate | where {$_.Services -ilike "*IIS*"} | fl